just a dabbing pikachu
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Age 22, Male


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thece's News

Posted by thece - January 10th, 2019

gotta do what im promise before,right?

sorry for the poor weapons library,i will try to draw more guns if yall really want it

thanks for 150 fans lads,really appreciate it


Posted by thece - January 9th, 2019

Hi yall,happy late new year.

At all of ya know by now,Madness combat 11 is out,with a cliff hanger,again.

And as usual,Krinkels amazed pep yet again,sadly not all of them due to the end,now,all left for the finale of the whole series is deimos adventure or MC12(which i hope not gonna take as long as this one).

I love this ep due to the quality and it creativeness,the way how tricky asorbed both of them without us knew about it in the first time of watching,and how auditor while being powerless,use Hank and Sanford as a mean to get his stuff back,overall,good stuff .

Well,of course,this post aint just"hEy PEp,Mc11 iS OuT ANd IT a FUckiNg MASteR piECE"but also an update to all of my stuff:

About my short,after my exams passed,i have the chance to grab at it again,even fixed some stuff now i got more and more experience with drawing,which is good,even better,few week later there will be a lunar new year in my country,which mean i gonna have 2 weeks of absolute nothingness.This time,im intended for it to release in summer of April(if i lucky),i know how it turn up the last time,but i hope to archive what i cant before.

Wank 0 still the same,on it way to blow yall and Krinkels face off yet again,or enough for pep to said"wowie,good stuff".

Cellfication is getting postpone again,due to stuff happen to kirxxe in real life,that what i heard atleast,good luck bro.while it being postpone,i helped two pep to get their clips done,so there more to the collab for yall to see.

While working for wank 0,im also doing some stuff that will be announced soon
That pretty much is about me,Flame Vortex is still around,eck got a beefy stuff for the channel when it done,we also got a new member and some new stuff.

im at 149 fans at the time im writing this,and of course i havent forgot it,i gonna release my madness sprites pack for ya bois(still dont know should i put my OC along with it or not),so yea,thanks alot for reading this,and for following me if ya are my follower.

The end of the post.
PS:sorry for the lack of picture,but spoiler and stuff.


Posted by thece - December 20th, 2018

Exams is done.Which is a very good thing.

It also mean that i can return to do what i am doing right now lol


Another of my solo ripoff stuff,dissappointed?


Wank 0 stuff(dont have stuff that can be spoiler free right now so yea)

And ehhh,something i guess

Yea,im got nothing much to said about.

Wait no,i also have to finish speed rage collabs

Guess time to put all of my effort into this month again

The end of the post.



Posted by thece - November 29th, 2018

W-wait,dont leave yet.....

I got some other news than that,kinda

First,about cellfication and bunnykill collab,im finished all of them,which is pretty nice


But those are good news,here come the bad new:

Exams,final exams

Ofcourse, it come to fuck my butt like everyone else,which come 1 week later based on this post date

Kinda sad that i have to study my ass off in my birthday but oh well,im used to it

Well that all for now,yea that all,what do u want?

Ah,about wank 0,cant spoil it much but:


Hope this will raise ya hype for abit.

The end of a post.

P.S: 129 fans,damn,thank alot bois(or grills),might throw off something when i reach 150,who know






Posted by thece - September 24th, 2018

now i can proud that i actually doing something lol

but,this is only the beginning (atleast for me lol)

now,since we here,let do the usual shall we?

first,about wank,we done,everyone see and like it(or dislike it,depend) and we feel good about it

second is ma short,all the information about the progress,i already told in the description

that is my work and my participant being public,but there still some another work tho,as:

im doing bunny kill(using motivation boost ya guys give me,thanks)


and waiting dudin to finish his part at cellfication(i try my best not to show much but still give.....something as dudin dont want me to spoil it,so yea,here da wall and abunch of eyes)


and another short,this time not for the madness day,this short have more of my idea and stuff,but also have abunch of floating rock,"why thece,aint pep getting sick of seeing those?"u may ask or i just ask myself while already know why.Yes,pep getting sick to see floating rocks now,but i doing this for a reason,not gonna tell now but i will said it once all stuff get together

so,thank all the pep followed me for me to have 100 follower,ya guys rock.

the end of the post(dont know if i should thank the one who make me reach 100 cuz if i do more of that cliche thank,it would be meaningless,which i dont want that)


Posted by thece - September 22nd, 2018

it is time,hope ya guys enjoy the collab,we sure do

upgrade grunt(by me):


damaged wank(version 1,by kote and saudx):




Posted by thece - September 21st, 2018

done a short

enjoy me ripping off some stuff


Posted by thece - September 7th, 2018

so.......what to talk about.....ehhhh,right

for bunnykill and cellfication,i finally got time to do them(finishing bunny as i do some progress by now),as i finished most of my collabs(white hank 2:wank being beat the living shit out of him,brutality:moar blood and ninja:steatlh the animation)so yea,as for cellfication,im still waiting dudin to finish the first part(he a busy boi so i cant blame him) and doing bunny kill clip right now.(99% of the sprites u see is made by eshio,the agent suit and the glass is by me)


as for upcoming madness day 2018,i done my rip off fla short,and waiting for sentry to create music for it(the music will be the best part since the whole short is just a rip off)but i think i ask him at the wrong time cuz,well,school,so i can only hope he done before or in the madness day.


so,what else to talk about,hmmmmmmmm

oh yea,one thing,thank myCSOACCOUNT(that name tho) for being my 75 follower,i know,it very cliche at this point right now,but it meant alot for me(now most of my post is thanking the lastest person who followed me,i really need a new way to thank for those support than just thanking the lastest one,so it not so cliche and meaningless)

the end of the post.


Posted by thece - August 2nd, 2018

"oh boi,here we go again"-CJ

welp,like the quote above said,it time again for me to make a post about everything.

the rip off short is coming out just fine(some fbf part i dont like much but it not effect the whole movie so i still keep it) until i meet a part when i have to draw alot of broken bricks things and crack,and due to ma laziness,it might come out when madness day occur lol,so expect to see some trash beside those collab and good ass movies.

as for the brutallity collab,i decided to make new small clip for it since the last one is pretty crap in ma oppion now.

white hank 2,i already done ma part,but if something happen,im kick in to make another part,also the collab is getting really well,so guess u can hype for some recolor hank in madness day or october(im not the one who made the collab and definately not the one who set the deadline,that kry work,that mean this just my guess,my assumption)

as for the bunny kill collab,i made some progress,but i wont show it(not even u eshio cause i need to redo the begin scene,dont worry,i will give it before or when the deadline come)but i do got some idea for the clip,and that included a mech,as i try to add a mech in the clip and for my future project,here ma first design(i put a grunt head cause i getting used to see grunt lol)(saudx i already edit the shoulder to be shorter,so this is just an old pic,i dont take another one cause lazy,and there not much change to it)


ehhh,i expected it to be more cooler..........

me aint gonna talk all about the progress in another collabs tho,cause it will make this post longer than it should so i gonna end here with-wait there one more collab that i need to inform before some boi getting worried about



there,i still do ma work,so rest assume.

as alway,thank passworld for be my 70 fans,and thank ya all to follow me,even if i dont do much

the end of the post


Posted by thece - July 4th, 2018

me not dead


me do fbf on this to hide the fact that it this just a rip off

me put da end of this post