We are back here again,another update post made by me,Thece
for the past week or so,i have doing requested OCs,both made and remake
First OC i made is for a boy name NitrousTech:

While he only ask for the first version(the upper one) i added two additional version because i can.
Second OC i made is for SentryTurbo,for which purpose i wont show here cause spoiler:

If you dont know,i made this boy based on guijit.
Third is for Ednik:

this remind me of gmod,idk why.
the fourth one is for Star:

i remade this boy based on Rockluki version,the skull is just my stuff lol.
And finally,jsoul boy:

While the other are requested,this is just me having fun with Jsoul,and said that i will remake(in this case is demake)his OC.
While the other dont have download link(for obvious reason) Jsoul OC do have a download link,i already asked him(cause well,why wouldnt i?)and while he accepted,he also give me those shiny robo hands,so yea,if ya bois use the sprites,remember to credit me and Jsoul(if the hands wasnt for the public,i gonna edit this post):
That pretty much all i did for the past days,also,my short update:

Ofcourse i have over the doing damage to my OC stuff already,this is just a way to tell Cethic that the short still on it way,so no worry about that pal.
Wank0 still the same,i still make progress on it,but nothing too impressive or spoiler free to show ya boys.
The end of the post.
P.S:i have done the requested stuff,so if ya asking me to make or remake ya OC,i wont do it,thanks.