Hi yall,happy late new year.
At all of ya know by now,Madness combat 11 is out,with a cliff hanger,again.
And as usual,Krinkels amazed pep yet again,sadly not all of them due to the end,now,all left for the finale of the whole series is deimos adventure or MC12(which i hope not gonna take as long as this one).
I love this ep due to the quality and it creativeness,the way how tricky asorbed both of them without us knew about it in the first time of watching,and how auditor while being powerless,use Hank and Sanford as a mean to get his stuff back,overall,good stuff .
Well,of course,this post aint just"hEy PEp,Mc11 iS OuT ANd IT a FUckiNg MASteR piECE"but also an update to all of my stuff:
About my short,after my exams passed,i have the chance to grab at it again,even fixed some stuff now i got more and more experience with drawing,which is good,even better,few week later there will be a lunar new year in my country,which mean i gonna have 2 weeks of absolute nothingness.This time,im intended for it to release in summer of April(if i lucky),i know how it turn up the last time,but i hope to archive what i cant before.
Wank 0 still the same,on it way to blow yall and Krinkels face off yet again,or enough for pep to said"wowie,good stuff".
Cellfication is getting postpone again,due to stuff happen to kirxxe in real life,that what i heard atleast,good luck bro.while it being postpone,i helped two pep to get their clips done,so there more to the collab for yall to see.
While working for wank 0,im also doing some stuff that will be announced soon
That pretty much is about me,Flame Vortex is still around,eck got a beefy stuff for the channel when it done,we also got a new member and some new stuff.
im at 149 fans at the time im writing this,and of course i havent forgot it,i gonna release my madness sprites pack for ya bois(still dont know should i put my OC along with it or not),so yea,thanks alot for reading this,and for following me if ya are my follower.
The end of the post.
PS:sorry for the lack of picture,but spoiler and stuff.
why do good girls like bad guys?
cuz they good at smacking ass