Hi all, Thece here.
Man, it really been a long time since I made my last post, if you want an update about le cat then rest assured, he still kicking and better than before.
But the main point of this post it not my cat, but this year madness day, and boys, do the community really cooked up this year, so many quality submissions with unique ideas for animations ,arts, musics and even plenty of games to look at, y'all done me proud, and I bet Krinkels is pleased too.
What do I have for this madness day? well not much, since at the start at this year I been extremely busy searching and holding my current job (which will only last for a year TBH, customer service is rough), but I still do have some to show off:
The most noticeable one would be my clip for Madness Project nexus animated collab (the one with the big boom, shout out Zizlime for animated FBF bit and Mango for the building bit, fantastic stuff) , and aside from animated, I drew a decent number of gun wounds for Vassline clip also cause I can, and it helped getting the collab release on time as much as possible.
You can check out the entire collab here:
I also draw a medivial enemies sprites sheet for Gary solo (still in development), check it out!:
And that all I did for this madness day, yea, told you it wasn't much, but I did something and that all right by me.
For next year ( or few more years consider my horrible time management), I do have plans and solos that I will make it into a reality one day:
Currently the most closest one you can watch is my clip for Cellfication 2 , which I am doing a Co-op with AlcoholicDJ, stay tune for that!
I also currently making these solos also, no screenshot sadly but I hope the title still make it interesting!:
BATTLE ROYALE ( still need to think a better title for this one)
And that all the stuff that I am currently working on, or planned to cook.
See yall in the next madness days, or once the stuff mentioned here got release, whatever first lol.
This year was truly madness
Madness was truly the friend we made along the way